Morning Glories

Morning glories are the Frosting-on-the-Cake for your garden. You can have beautiful beds and borders with flashy annuals and dependable perennials, but morning glories add a special sweetness and glorious beauty to your landscape every single day. So easy to grow and for so little effort, morning glories start the day with extraordinary color and vibrancy. In our collection, you will find the bright hued blooms of Venice morning glories striped and splashed with no two alike held out against emerald green foliage. And for chocoholics, we have two varieties to satisfy your craving. Our Chocolate morning glory has large 5-6 inch blooms in a deep rich shade of mocha, and our Chocolate Rose Silk has just a hint of rose all neatly wrapped with a brilliant white ribbon edge. Sleeping to noon? No problem, for our rare lavender and white moon vines open in the evening providing luminosity in the moonlight and nectar for night pollinating moths. Grow them all for a riot of color that will bring your garden to a new height with these fabulous, glorious greeters of the new day.

Morning Glories

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