An ideal pot plant, Asapargus Fern can adorn your patio containers with exuberant, arching deep emerald green foliage with clusters of 3-6 foot long stems covered with feathery, needle-like leaves that create the perfect complement to flowery companions or other foliage plants. Asparagus Fern prefers a moist situation with afternoon shade in hot climates; foliage color lightens in full sun. Pkt. 25
Soak seed 48 hrs. before sowing 5 seeds per pot 1/4 in. deep, cover and firm. Maintain bottom heat, with soil temp. 85 F. Keep moist with luke warm water, as cold water will lower the soil temp. and prevent germination. Germination is irregular, and usually takes 21 - 42 days, at 75 - 80 percent germination.