This new variety from seed has been developed to be competitive versus the latest cuttingraised varieties. Madonna not only looks wonderful in pots and containers but also gives an incredible result in beds or landscaping. This Leucanthemum is easy to care for, builds new flowers over the fading ones and flowers from summer to early autumn. Grow in full sun and average soil. Ideal for cut flowers and lasts well in the vase. Flowers first year from seed and is hardy in zones 3-9. Reaches heights of 8-10 inches tall with a width of 8-12 inches wide. Pkt. 20
8-10 weeks before planting outdoors, sow in moist potting mix, pressing seed into mix and barely cover. Keep at 39°F for 2-3 weeks. Bring to 55-60°F. for germination in 21-30 days. Transplant to 3 inch pots when 2 sets of leaves appear.