A much underused and underappreciated vine, Luffas are easy to grow, have beautiful blooms, and are extremely versatile. I first noticed a Luffa growing on a friends arbor where it provided dense shade and stunning, brilliant yellow flowers. Thinking that this was a gorgeous ornamental vine, she told me that she used the sweet young fruit for stir frying and the mature, dryed fruit for sponges! Leaves are large and a deep emerald green and provide a cool and soothing backdrop for those large yellow blooms. Long, cylinder-shaped luffas hang throughout the vine creating an exotic, tropical look. An annual, Luffas enjoy full sun in rich, moist well drained soil. Pkt.20
Sow in moist potting mix 3-4 weeks before last frost 1½ inches deep. Keep at 68-72 F. and bright light. Best sown where they are to grow in well drained soil and full sun. Place 2 feet apart in full sunGerminates in 10-15 days.